Planning a holiday filled with thrilling excursions and activities like quad biking, parasailing, water sports, and jet skiing can be an exhilarating experience. However, ensuring you have the right travel insurance to cover these activities is essential for peace of mind and financial protection. At Brunel Insurance for People, we understand the importance of a comprehensive policy tailored to your adventures. In this guide, we’ll explore how to select the perfect travel insurance to avoid any nasty surprises.

Evaluate Your Needs:

Before embarking on your adventure, take a moment to assess the activities you plan to indulge in. Are you hitting the waves for some jet skiing or parasailing? Perhaps you’re eager to explore rough terrains on a quad biking excursion. Understanding your itinerary will help you determine the level of cover required.

Examine Policy Cover:

When selecting travel insurance with Brunel Insurance, carefully examine the policy cover. Ensure that adventurous activities like quad biking, parasailing, water sports, and jet skiing are explicitly covered. Look for comprehensive plans that encompass medical expenses, trip cancellation or interruption, and cover for lost or damaged equipment.

Assess Exclusions and Limitations:

Pay close attention to any exclusions or limitations within the policy. Some insurers may exclude certain high-risk activities or impose restrictions based on age or experience level. Confirm that your chosen activities are not excluded, and if there are any limitations, consider whether they align with your planned adventures.

Take Note of Emergency Assistance Services:

In the event of an emergency during your holiday excursions, having access to reliable emergency assistance services is crucial. Brunel Insurance provides 24/7 emergency support, including medical evacuation if needed. Knowing you have assistance readily available can provide invaluable peace of mind.

At Brunel Insurance for People, we offer comprehensive travel insurance tailored to adventurous travellers. We have access to policies that are designed to provide cover for a wide range of activities, including quad biking, parasailing, water sports, and jet skiing.

With our commitment to customer satisfaction and customer service, you can explore the world with confidence, knowing you’re protected every step of the way.